Our Climate Impact has been validated!

A Climate Impact Forecast is an LCA based calculation of the GHG mitigation or climate adaptation potential of a project. The net climate impact are the key differences between business as usual and our innovative solution. Our GHG LCA has been validated by Impact forecast (Impact Forecast Validation Report, 2022).


We will remove 15kt CO2  + reduce 75kt CO2e annually. Based on a production of 5000 t biochar per year.

The carbon content of the biochar is 80 - 90% depending on operating conditions (lab test, IQSTAP 2023) and it can be estimated that 89% of the biochar remains stable 100+ yrs. (based on IPCC, 2019, and HTT at 700 °C). Consequently, one production site permanently removes around 15 kt CO2 from the atmosphere annually (each t C having removed 44/12 t CO2 from the atmosphere through photosynthesis).

 In addition, significant methane reductions are achieved by using bio-residues for feedstock rather than leaving it to decay in waste heaps, largely under anaerobic conditions. According to a GHG LCA, the annual CH4 reductions correspond to approx. 75 kt CO2e at the production rate 5 kt biochar/a) (Impact Forecast Validation Report, 2022).


Planning the World’s First Biochar Repository


Successful test-runs and verification of Biochar System